September saw our fabulous little club host its annual GLTA international tournament at the amazing and prestigious Northern Tennis Club in West Didsbury.
With participants joining us from 20 countries and with 25% of the participating field being women, this year certainly proved that The Northern was a hit with our players and that the opportunity to play on the grass was something folk enjoyed and felt challenged by, especially if they were used to clay or more widely available surfaces.
Friday saw us hampered with some seasonal weather issues , but we retained the aim for everyone to get some grass play on Saturday and Sunday, thanks to the support of the ground staff and the patience of our players and hard working volunteers!
We are currently awaiting the generic GLTA feedback post tournament but apart form one or two moans and groans and the odd diva spat, the team feel that the event went well, and are especially pleased that we have been able to bring numbers of participants to our optimum levels. In the spirit of continuous improvement we have already started to look at how we can improve the experience for all at next years event , and were especially delighted to get such positive feedback from the GLTA board visitors.
It seems that the friendliness and sporting spirit of the Aces at large is what encouraged so many players to joining us at this years event, which is really quite special , and for that everyone should take great credit. We are really quite a lovely bunch aren't we!
Huge huge thanks to the team at The Northern, and big hugs and special mentions to Sophia, Natalie, Andrew S, Neil, Paul and Pat along with our other amazing club volunteers who pitched in with assistance on field marshaling, photography and general banana buying and overall merry making duties.
A full list of the results can be found on the GLTA website and there are additional photos on the Kiss My Ace Facebook and Instagram pages.
If you want to get involved next year as a volunteer to help with the organising of the event, we are always looking for additional support, so please get in touch with the committee and get involved with playing a part that is something that is really pretty special for the global LGBTQ+ tennis playing community!
Watch out for news and announcements about next years event on here and through our social media channels.