Our constitution

Northern Aces Tennis Club
Officers of the Group and Committee
The business of the Northern Aces Tennis Club ('Northern Aces' or the 'Group') shall be recommended by a Committee which includes the Chairman, Treasurer and the Secretary.
The Chairman, Treasurer and the Secretary shall be the Officers of the Group.
The Officers of the Group shall be formally proposed and seconded for election at the Annual General Meeting ('AGM').
Each member of the Committee shall resign at each AGM and will be eligible for re-election.
Responsibilities of the Committee
Open, close and administer bank accounts for the Group as may from time-to-time be necessary.
Approve all expenditure from Group funds.
Determine all rules governing play and facilities.
Amend the Constitution through a formal minuted Committee meeting and this requires a majority vote. A quorate Committee Meeting will constitute a minimum of half the elected Committee members currently in post.
Committee members can resign at any time during their appointment in writing to the Club Secretary.
Fill any vacancy on the Committee if it feels it is necessary until the next AGM.
Appoint sub-committees / delegate responsibilities to perform special duties within the Group or deal with special events.
Set and review the fees prior the AGM.
The Committee has the responsibility for the expulsion of any members whom they believe to be in breach of Group's constitution or bring the club into disrepute.
Annual General Meeting ('AGM')
The Secretary shall call an AGM between the 1st March and 30th April each year. Notice of the meeting shall be given to members at least three weeks before the meeting.
Nominations for elected posts must be received at least one week in advance of the AGM.
Only members who have paid all fees before the date of the notice of the AGM are entitled to vote.
The Secretary shall prepare and make available to members an Agenda at least one week before the AGM. The Agenda must include:- Chairman’s Report on the year’s activities and a presentation of the accounts by the Treasurer. Members’ items raised for discussion in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
No business other than that of which such notice has been given shall be brought forward at the AGM.
The quorum of the AGM shall be one quarter of the membership.
Extra-ordinary General Meeting ('EGM')
A member may make a written request for an EGM providing the reason is clearly stated and is supported in writing by one quarter of the membership.
The Committee may also call an EGM by a majority committee vote.
The Secretary shall call an EGM with five weeks of receiving the request by the Committee or General Membership. The date of and reason for the EGM shall be made known to members at least two weeks before the meeting.
No business other than that for which the meeting has been called shall be addressed.
The quorum for the EGM shall be one quarter of the membership.
Membership is open to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons who wish to play tennis, as well as those individuals who accept and support the objectives of the Group.
Membership is discretionary and may be awarded, refused, suspended or withdrawn by the Committee.
Only persons who have fully paid their annual membership fees will be deemed members of the Group. Membership of the Group may be a requirement for certain activities, as deemed by the Northern Aces Committee, and entitles membership rates for all Group activities.
Membership is assigned for a twelve month period and is renewable annually, the renewal dates of which is to be determined by the Committee.
Non-members will be charged a non-member rate for all Group activities.
The annual membership fee and session charges will be set by the Committee. Fees for other internally organised events will be set by the Committee.
Application for membership should be made to the Secretary for approval by the Committee.
The Group believes in an equal opportunities approach which means that no member should suffer discrimination in respect of ability, disability, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, race, colour, nationality, marital status or any other reason.
The Committee will have the final decision about acceptance for membership.
Founder Life Membership and Life Membership may be offered at the discretion of the Committee.
Founder Life Members have their membership and regular session playing fees waived.
Life Members will have the annual membership fees waived.
Full accounts of the Group's finances will be prepared each year and presented at the AGM. This will include reports on any Surplus Funds.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the Group, including spending on court hire, balls, events, tournaments and other activities.
Purchases below a de minimis value of £100 are made at the discretion of the Treasurer.
Purchases in excess the de minimis value of £100 are subject to Committee approval.
Code of Conduct
Any members of Northern Aces Tennis Group are allowed to co-ordinate play during club sessions. During these sessions all other members are allowed to ‘mix-in’ subject to normal club practice. The only exception to this rule will apply to club matches / training or coaching sessions which are arranged within the club’s allocated sessions. Incentives may be rewarded to members who have supported the Club. All members are bound by the Disciplinary Code of Conduct of the LTA and the LTA perspective of play rules.
Disposal of Assets
In the event of the Club closing, the available assets are to be donated to a charity / charities at the discretion of the Committee.