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first one is free

Not ready to become a member?

We understand that finding your fit is important, and joining a new club can be intimidating - especially for a sport like tennis.

That's why we offer all new participants a free taster session!

What to expect at your first session

Before attending your first session, make sure you fill out the form below so we know you're coming! Then you just need to to turn up with some sensible shoes and a racquet! (Let us know if you don't have one).

We only ask that you can at least know the rules and can hold a simple rally. We are a social tennis club, and unfortunately do not offer any coaching or lessons.

When you arrive, look our for the session leader (who will be wearing their purple t-shirt) and they will help you get started.

First time?
Just sign up to your free taster session below!
Which option best describes you?

Thanks for registering. See you there!

Remember to look out for the session leader who will be wearing their purple Northern Aces t-shirt.

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